
I’m Beth Clare McManus, a coaching psychologist and supervisor.

I live in Manchester, UK with my partner, James, and our two Devon Rex cats, Peanut and Pickle. My best work happens at the intersection of psychology, coaching, and creativity

You can read about my professional practice below, find out about my coaching and 1:1 / group supervision offers by selecting from the menu above, or email me at hi@bethclaremc.com

Recent Publications

  • Coaching in Art Galleries & Public Buildings: Strategies for Enhancing Reflection (Book Chapter - available for pre-order)

  • Inviting arts-based approaches into supervision spaces (blog)

  • Creating the Conditions for Reflethical Practice: Exploring the potential for creativity and arts-based approaches to support the development and evolution of ethical awareness in coaching practice (Journal Article)

  • Playing It Safe: An Illustrated Guide to Working Ethically with Creativity in Coaching (PDF)

  • Exploring the experience of using music and creative mark-making as a reflective tool during coaching supervision: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (Journal Article)

Qualifications, Accreditations & Professional Standards

Ongoing Development