Arts-Based Reflective Enquiry (ABRE)
A one-hour group* space on the second Friday of most months.
For coach-practitioners and other professionals using reflection in their practice who are interested in exploring a variety of arts-based reflective approaches in a small group setting - 4 spaces per session
Each workshop costs £30
Book your place using the form on this page or through this link
An optional accompanying 60 minute 1:1 supervision space is available for coach-practitioners in the following week
*Please note - this is an opportunity for individual practice in a group setting and not group supervision
About the next ABRE
14th February 2025 - Deep Listening
This session will share an overview of the concept of Deep Listening, pioneered by Pauline Oliveros in America in the 1970s.
Pauline’s intention through this practice was to listen to all things, in every way possible, at all times.
Deep listening offers us a way of meditating through listening, movement, and dreaming - and an overview of these three core concepts will be explored. This will be a lightly interactive and playful session, where the group will be offered some invitations to play a small selection of deep listening scripts and practices. This will include movement, sounding (making sounds), and sharing memories.
You will have the opportunity to create your own text score, a key component of Deep Listening practice.
Due to the small group nature of this session, and in service of yourself and others, you are kindly asked to join with cameras and microphones on
2025 Group Dates
Friday 14th February 1-2pm GMT - Deep Listening
Friday 14th March 1-2pm GMT - Psychogeography Pt. 1 - Maps and derivés
Friday 11th April 1-2pm BST - Poetry
Friday 9th May 1-2pm BST - Mark-making to Music
Friday 13th June 1-2pm BST - Zine Making
Friday 12th September 1-2pm BST - Psychogeography Pt. 2 - Field Recording & Photography
Friday 10th October 1-2pm BST - Automatic Drawing
Friday 14th November 1-2pm GMT - Self Portraits
Friday 12th December 1-2pm GMT - Data Visualisation